
Five Easy Ways to De-Stress

Sometimes, we all just work too hard! As a result, we get drained from all the long hours and we start to feel the stress of it all. We get cranky. Our body feels tension. Your face wrinkles up like a prune.

So what do you do to fight this? De-stress yourself! Take some time out and get a little "me" time. Here are my personal faves whenever I want to ease up a bit.

1. Sleep! 

Yup sleep. Chances are, if you're a workaholic, you barely get enough shut-eye. Or even if you do, you don't get quality sleep because you're too worried about your deadlines, quotas and to-do's. So whenever you have time, get some good quality sleep. Turn on the AC (if you're in a tropical country like mine), read a good book to help you relax and hide your gadgets far, far away. Waking up from a nice relaxing sleep will do wonders for your mood, not to mention your health too!

2. Watch a movie

If you can, go outside and catch a movie. Going out will help you to see new places and have a different experience. You know, something different from your workplace. If you really don't have that much free time, you can even just stay at home, pop in a DVD or if that's still not possible, download a torrent of the movie that you regret missing when it came out. The important thing is to enjoy the story and take your mind off things.

3. Exercise

Sitting all day in your office chair will take its toll on your waistline. Trust me, there's a big price to pay if you get too caught up with work and just work. In simple words: move, adrenaline, endorphins, happiness, health!

4. Buy something!

For people who work a whole darn lot, shopping really IS good therapy. Why? Because you get to experience the perks of working hard. You enjoy the pay-off. You work to earn money right? So every once in a while, it's okay to go and spend some cash.  Reward yourself! You deserve it.

5. Get a massage

This one, I got yesterday. My back was hurting during the past few days and I think it's due to using the computer too much. Anyway, I got a back massage yesterday and it was heavenly! Just what I needed for being so workaholic lately. Massages will really help you relax, literally! Your muscles will thank you eventually.

All work and no play, will make you a sad, old brick. Enjoy life and have fun whenever you can! Go!

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